Download and Installation


This package requires Python version 3.6+. One module is mandatory: PyEpics which provides the EPICS Channel Access support. It is automatically installed when using pip, but you may have to install the EPICS base on your system and configure PyEpics to locate libca. See PyEpics documentation for further details.

Sphinx and its theme Read the Docs are required to build this documentation.

Downloads and Installation

To install, try running:

pip install pysmlib

Installing from sources

Alternatively, if you want to install from sources:

pip install git+

where you can replace latest with the desired git tag.

Another option is to download the tarball from Github, extract it and then run:

cd pysmlib
pip install .

Getting Started

Check if the installation was successful by executing:

>>> import epics

This will print the path of the libca which will be used. If any error occurs, then check the installation of PyEpics. If you already have EPICS base compiled on your system you can choose to use its libca adding the following line to your ~/.bashrc file:

export PYEPICS_LIBCA=<path_to_your_epics_base>/lib/linux-x86_64/

replacing <path_to_your_epics_base> with the path to the folder containing your compiled EPICS base.

Moreover you should now be able to import the smlib package without errors:

>>> import smlib

To start creating your first finite state machine you can give a look at the examples provided with the package (eventually executing them) and read Pysmlib overview.


Still in development

Automatic testing is done with gitlab-ci, which starts a Docker image, installs pysmlib with all its dependencies, run a simple IOC and executes the test suite. This can be done for different versions of python. In addition the user can execute the gitlab-ci script locally or simply run the test suite on his system.

TODO: Add specific instructions.

Development Version

To contribute to the project you can fork it on Github, any help is appreciated! To obtain the latest development version just clone the project:

git clone
cd pysmlib
pip install -e .

where the -e automatically updates the installed version when the local repository is updated.

Getting Help

For questions, bug reports, feature request, please consider using the following methods:

  1. Create an issue on Github where it can be discussed.

  2. Send an email to Davide Marcato <>, or to the Tech Talk mailing list if the issue is related to EPICS.

  3. If you are sure you have found a bug in existing code, or have some code you think would be useful to add to pysmlib, consider making a Pull Request on Github.


The whole project is released under the GPLv3 license.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.


Pysmlib has been written by Damiano Bortolato <damiano.bortolato@lnl.infn.i> and Davide Marcato <> at Legnaro National Laboratories, INFN. The development started in 2016 in order to have a simpler alternative to the Epics sequencer to create high level automation for the RF control system of the ALPI accelerator. After that it has been separated in a standalone library to be used for the whole SPES project.

If you use pysmlib in your scientific research, please cite the following paper:

    author = "Marcato, Davide and Arena, Giovanni and Bellato, Marco and Bortolato, Damiano and Gelain, Fabio and Lilli, Giordano and Martinelli, Valentina and Munaron, Enrico and Roetta, Marco and Savarese, Giovanni",
    title = "{Pysmlib: A Python Finite State Machine Library for EPICS}",
    doi = "10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2021-TUBL05",
    journal = "JACoW",
    volume = "ICALEPCS2021",
    pages = "TUBL05",
    year = "2022"


D. Marcato et al., Pysmlib: A Python Finite State Machine Library for EPICS, Published in: JACoW ICALEPCS2021 (2022), TUBL05. DOI: 10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2021-TUBL05.